Someone on Thingiverse, a user named nsa666, has written their own software for using the robot to draw a cat.
This makes me unbelievably happy. First a kitty cat. Next the WORLD.
Someone on Thingiverse, a user named nsa666, has written their own software for using the robot to draw a cat.
This makes me unbelievably happy. First a kitty cat. Next the WORLD.
I tried a little experiment last weekend.1 I listed the plastic parts for Tiny CNC version 0.18 on eBay. I did this for a number of reasons:
I really wanted to see someone else put together this robot. Also, getting rid of my only set of parts would basically force me to design and print new parts if I wanted to start another drawing. Lastly, I was genuinely curious whether anyone would actually be interested in purchasing parts. If there was enough interest, I might be able to turn this into a kit to get more robots in more peoples’ hands. If I made a little profit in the meantime, then great. The auction had six bidders with nine total bids, ending at $13.63 plus $4.00 for shipping, for a total of $17.63.
But, what’s an experiment if you don’t share the results?
At a “profit” of $4.793 this wasn’t exactly lucrative. I’m pretty sure I’d also owe taxes on this “profit” too.
The parts took about 5 minutes of setup, 2 hours of unsupervised Replicator printing time, about 5 minutes of sanding for a better fit, and let’s say about 30 minutes of time to package and ship. This doesn’t count any of the amount of time spent on development4 , listing parts for sale5 , or telling people about the sale.6 At less than $5 for all that work, this isn’t really worth anyone’s time.7
Fortunately, 100 kits doesn’t actually take 100 times the amount of time. So, it remains possible that at a certain volume this becomes feasible to produce as a kit. I figure the advertising time for a bunch of kits would be a lot higher8 but less than 100x the time spent advertising this first set, the time spent on assembling/packing/getting ready for shipping would be about 100x, and the time spent actually shipping would be about the same as the time to ship one copy.9
More on the economics of kits in the next post…