This morning I designed a surprise for my daughter. It is an illuminated text version of the first page of a hypothetical storybook all about her. The big smudge in the center is where I blocked out her name. 🙂 The drawing is roughly 20-inches wide and 28-inches tall. The drawing took more than 8-hours and was my first concerted attempt to draw something using servo powered pen lifts.
It reads:
Chapter One
ONCE upon a time … a long, long time ago in land far, far away there lived a very clever little girl named [_____] who had a very rare and special talent.
She was … a tinkerer.
The PlotterBot started drawing at about 2pm today and finished a little after 10pm. By the time she went to bed, the robot had only completed the border. I can’t wait to give it to her!
I designed the picture in Inkscape using a vector graphic of a cool border, a knight fighting a dragon, a combination of several fonts, and some touches of my own. Once done I had to do a small amount of fiddling with Inkscape to make the file more “draw-able,” a process I will document in the next few days.