Fake Grimlock, green Sharpie on banner paper, 23″ tall by 17″ wide
This drawing of Fakegrimlock ((Twitter sensation and lean startup robot dinosaur)) being awesome is green Sharpie on banner paper, 23″ tall x 17″ wide. The dimensions refer to the drawing, not the sheet of paper. This drawing took about four hours to finish.
This is something I’ve wanted to draw for a while now – Fakegrimlock’s “Because Awesome” sketch. I particularly enjoy Fakegrimlocks’ drawing style – simple evocative drawings with just a few words. Angry chickens, militant mice, big damn robot dinosaurs. As with the Boba Fett, I used the Inkscape Eggbot extension to add hatching to the drawing. In tracing the original bitmap drawing in Inkscape, I managed to separate it into three different colors – the person (lightest), the robot dinosaur and words (darkest), and the flames (medium). From there I added hatching to the flame layer and a tighter hatching to the dinosaur robot and words. The penlifts on this drawing weren’t as tight as some of my other pictures, but I actually like the way it comes out.
I like to think Fakegrimlock would approve. Or, at least, not eat me.
The drawing has a slight crease to the right bottom quadrant. Otherwise, it’s pretty much just awesome.