Bioshock Big Daddy, brown Sharpie on banner paper, 22″ tall by 24″ wide
This drawing of the “Big Daddy” cyborg from the video game BioShock was drawn by robot with a brown Sharpie on banner paper, 22″ tall by 24″ wide. The dimensions refer to the drawing, not the sheet of paper. The drawing took about four hours to complete.
Although I never played System Shock or BioShock, I appreciated the artwork and badass robots that appeared in the game. I had a feeling others would enjoy it to, and I’m glad to report I was right. There were a lot of people who instantly recognized the drawing long before it was complete. I chose the brown because the original robot was a dull oxidized bronze color in the video game. The drawing was converted from a bitmap image to scalable vector graphic using the same process as with the Iron Man drawing – separating the drawing into several colors, each in their own layer, and then having the robot draw the outline of each layer rather than shading them. Shading the layers of the drawing would have taken a lot longer and possibly been messier. Unlike the Iron Man drawing, the robot managed to draw each layer pretty much perfectly.
Of the various complex drawings created at Maker Faire 2014, this one probably came out the best overall.