Star Wars Boba Fett, green Sharpie on banner paper, 20″ tall by 22″ wide, a little worse for wear
This robot drawing of Boba Fett is in pretty sorry shape after Maker Faire Bay Area 2014. Green Sharpie on banner paper, 20″ tall by 22″ wide, the dimensions refer to the drawing, not the sheet of paper. It took about three hours – mostly due to the hatching1 I added to shade parts of the drawing.
To create the drawing I used Inkscape’s “Trace Bitmap” function on an altered picture of Boba Fett I found on the internet. It can help to “posterize” an image in GIMP before trying to “Trace Bitmap” in Inkscape. This also allows a little more control over the shading and various regions. Just as with the 100 Acre Woods drawing, the pen slipped out slightly in the pen holder, causing the some sweeping arcs to appear across the middle of the image. Unlike that other drawing, they don’t appear to detract as much here.
Once drawn, I taped this picture to the cloth over the table at the front of the booth. What I didn’t realize is that every child who walked up would pick at the tape and kick the bottom of the drawing with their feet. While the central drawing is relatively untouched, it does suffer from the cosmetic default caused by the pen slippage. Although it’s pretty obvious from the photograph above, the paper is actually torn at the right hand side and there is still some masking tape at the top left of the paper.
- Using the awesome Eggbot Inkscape plugin [↩]
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