Harry Potter Hogwarts Crest poster, blue Sharpie on banner paper, 25″ tall x 20″ wide
At this year’s Maker Faire Bay Area 2014 all of my robot drawings were done with the use of the pen lift mechanism. This allowed me to create big awesome pictures in less time than it would have taken by using single line drawing techniques. Although less ink is used, the use of the pen lift mechanism introduces a delay between each line. This drawing of the Harry Potter Hogwarts Crest by Jmh20 took about two hours to finish. The drawing is blue Sharpie on banner paper, 25″ tall x 20″ wide. The dimensions refer to the drawing, not the sheet of paper.
Drawing from scalable vector graphic formats sometimes takes a bit of extra setup. In the case of this image, I removed several of the layers from the image. The reason for deleting layers is that the robot will draw every edge of every layer – including those that mostly overlap with others. This is why the raven’s wing and lion’s claw can be seen through the center of the crest. Most of what I eliminated consisted of extra outlines.
This was the very last drawing I completed at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014.