One of my goals in designing/building this little robot was to make it really cheap and easy to build. I’d like to think I’m headed in the right direction.
I would estimate the cost of building (a completed version of) this little robot as follows:
- 3x Micro Servos at $6/each
- 1x Arduino Uno at $30
- 30.6g of ABS plastic for roughly $1.53
I’m going to exclude the bits of wire and pen, and estimate the materials cost of this robot at $49.53 which I’ll round up to about $50.00 since I have to design and print a few more plastics parts. Basically, if you’ve already got a 3D printer, plenty of plastic, and an Arduino lying around, there’s no reason you couldn’t have a similar robot up and running in no time for about $20.
It’s my hope to use my newly won Adafruit Trinket 5v, courtesy of Hackaday and Adafruit1 , it might even be possible to power all three servos off of a single Trinket ($8) and bring the total cost of the project down to around $28 plus little bits of wire and a pen.
Although I give vague building instructions on the Thingiverse page for the parts of this robot, I hope to have an Ikea/Lego style set of instructions ready in the next day or so. So far there are only 8 parts (including the two servo motors), so even a team of monkeys taking a break from writing Shakespeare could manage to assemble one of these in a few minutes.
- Tiny CNC Drawing Robot - Cost Estimate
- Better video of Tiny CNC Drawing Robot actually drawing
- Design considerations with the Tiny CNC
- Uses for a Tiny CNC Robot
- Tiny CNC - An Experiment in Commerce
- Tiny CNC - Going to 100
- Robot Friends: Tiny CNC and the WaterColorBot
- Tiny Drawing Robot Gallery
- Drawing Robot In A Box
- Thanks again!!! [↩]