Maker Faire Bay Area 2016 was a wild ride! If you were able to come to my presentation on tiny drawing robots – thank you! If you weren’t able to make it, I’m sorry I missed you. I got to see some old friends1 and make some new ones2 , which is probably the biggest reason I blog and exhibit and present at Maker Faire.
Admittedly, I was a concerned that I would be talking to a bunch of empty benches, that I would run through all of my slides in the first five of my allotted 25 minutes, or that I would be presenting to a completely silent crowd. If you came to the presentation, you got to see that none of those things happened. I started talking to the crowd a little early, answering some questions and letting people try out my demonstration robot with the keypad. When I actually started the presentation the benches were full and there were several people standing around them. There were some really great questions from the audience and lots of enthusiastic ideas.
If you didn’t come to the presentation, you missed both of my daughters making impromptu appearances, one uncooperative robot, one cooperative robot, and you had the chance to grab a “maker card” and actually use my demonstration robot.
As promised, I’ve posted my slides (above) so you can relive the magic.
- An Itty Bitty Drawing Robot
- Tiny CNC Drawing Robot - Cost Estimate
- How to Build a Tiny CNC Drawing Robot
- Better video of Tiny CNC Drawing Robot actually drawing
- Uses for a Tiny CNC Robot
- Tiny CNC - An Experiment in Commerce
- How to Wire a Tiny CNC
- Tiny CNC - now a 3 Axis CNC!
- Tiny CNC Software Update
- How to Build a Tiny 3-Axis CNC Drawing Robot
- Tiny 3-Axis CNC Drawing Robot - Software Update and Design version 0.29 postmortem
- Nine Drawing Robots On the Loose!
- Competing Design Ideals in a Drawing Robot
- Tiny Drawing Robot Updates, Incremental Progress, and More!
- The Tiniest Drawing Robot Actually Draws!
- Robot Friends: Tiny CNC and the WaterColorBot
- Tiny Drawing Robot Gallery
- TinyCNC Drawing Robot Software User Guide
- Drawing Robot AFRON 2013 Design Challenge Entry
- Robot Challenge Marathon
- TinyCNC Two steps forward, one step back!
- Drawing Robot In A Box
- Drawing By Numbers
- TinyCNC: Too Many Ideas
- TinyCNC - Working Keypad UI
- Don't let SkyNet win! Take this poll!
- Care and Feeding of Your TinyCNC Drawing Robot
- Maker Faire 2016 Drawing Robot Presentation Slides